

Forensic Architecture

In 1980, ARCHImedia was the first. specialist architects practice to offer a building inspection service in Australia.

Since then, ARCHImedia’s forensic architecture unit has been specialising in the provision of specialist building services in the area of construction defects. We explore building issues, analyse building failures and prepare reports.

Our work assists clients in making clear decisions and builders in the appropriate use of materials in their projects.

Our clients come from various backgrounds, including large international corporations and developers to individual home-owners.

As part of our work we examine building materials to determine their age with a view to placing them into the context of time, and therefore the building regulations that applied at the time of construction.

Often our reports are required to be prepared for use as part of a court process. these are required to be prepared to a standard acceptable by the court and are prepared for the purposes of assisting the court to understand and deliberate on the matters that will lead the court to a fair determination.


Drone Inspections

Getting up high has always been a challenge. In the past we have used specialist equipment to get access to some of the highest buildings in Melbourne.

Archimedia has conducted many dozens of rooftops in the CBD, involving high access equipment and specialist harness systems. While we still need to conduct some specialist inspections up close, most inspections can be done using our drone technology. We use high quality DJI drones with 3K image technology. We can take both video and still images as the need requires. Drones allow detailed observations of rooftops, radio antennas, 3G and 4G mobile phone towers..

Drone technology gives us an added tool to provide expert advice backed up with high quality imagery that can be used to assist with repairs and dispute resolution. These inspections come at a significant cost saving over using traditional roof access machinery.

